02. Project Display Example

Project Display Example

Note: The screenshots on this page are just examples of one implementation of the minimal functionality. You are encouraged to redesign and strive for even better solutions.

The Item Catalog project consists of developing an application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories, as well as provide a user registration and authentication system.

In this sample project, the homepage displays all current categories along with the latest added items.


Selecting a specific category shows you all the items available for that category.


Selecting a specific item shows you specific information of that item.


After logging in, a user has the ability to add, update, or delete item info.

http://localhost:8000/ (logged in)

http://localhost:8000/catalog/Snowboarding/Snowboard (logged in)

http://localhost:8000/catalog/Snowboard/edit (logged in)

http://localhost:8000/catalog/Snowboard/delete (logged in)

The application provides a JSON endpoint, at the very least.
